-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Iran unimpressed by Straw the mediator
David Hearst  in Tehran
Wednesday October 09 2002
The Guardian

The foreign secretary, Jack Straw, flew into a storm of protest orchestrated by 
Islamic hardliners against British attempts to mediate between Iran and the US.

The Iranian foreign minister, Kamal Kharrazi, denounced US influence in   the region 
and talked of "the deep hatred of the US felt in Islamic society".

On the final day of Mr Straw's visit to each of Iraq's neighbours, Mr Kharrazi was in 
no mood to extend the welcome mat - at least in public.

According to a senior British source present at   the talks, Iran expressed its fury 
at having been placed on the list of rogue states during George Bush's "axis of evil" 
speech, despite its support for the US bombing of Afghanistan and Mr Kharrazi said 
that US actions "could not bring about confidence and trust".

He added: "Through   diplomatic means and through the United Nations we can solve this 
issue and we can force Iraq to give up its weapons of mass destruction."

But a likely trade-off between the US and British position and the Iranian position 
began to emerge last night, in which Iran   could tacitly back the use of force 
against Saddam Hussein as a last resort, if Britain agrees that a post-Saddam regime 
will represent Iran's interests and presses for Iran to be taken off the US list of 
pariah states.

But there was no mistaking the genuine anger felt by some rival factions in Iran at Mr 
Straw's visit.

A group of 30 Iranian students staged a demonstration outside the British ambassador's 
residence and an editorial in the conservative newspaper Johhouri-Eslani lambasted 
him. The editorial said: "The British try by words and deeds to make us believe that 
they have the confidence of the Iranian government and to play the role of mediators 
but public opinion in our country... is that we don't have the slightest confidence in 
the British."

Mr Straw attempted to dismiss this denunciation as "formulaic" but the Iranian foreign 
minister took up the cudgels of the anti-western protesters at a press conference, 
with Mr Straw standing beside him.

Mr Straw joined the denunciation of the American Christian fundamentalist, Jerry 
Falwell, who denounced the prophet Mohammed as a terrorist, paedophile and the son of 
the devil, saying he regarded the remarks as "outrageous".

The Iranians drew no comfort from signs given to them privately that a consensus was 
emerging on a new set of UN resolutions, around the moderate French position, which 
requires a return of UN weapons inspectors before a further resolution mandating the 
use of force.

A senior British official said last night: "On the one hand they hate Saddam 
intensely. On the other the west's assault on Iraq adds to their sense of 

One Iranian foreign ministry official said a majority in the Iranian government were 
convinced war would happen and that President Saddam would fire off his missiles at 
Israel and western targets in Kuwait.

He said: "Most of Iran would welcome the end of Saddam's regime and we do not feel 
that with Saddam gone we would be next on George Bush's list of regime change."

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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