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Fortress America
Completed during the Kennedy era, the US embassy in London was designed to be open and 
inviting - people were encouraged to drop in to its library, and public jazz concerts 
were a regular feature. But then came the Vietnam war protests, the anti-capitalists 
and, finally, September 11. Now it is closed off from the rest of the city, ID cards 
are mandatory for locals and armed police are everywhere.  Andy Beckett reports from 
Grosvenor Square
Andy Beckett
Thursday October 24 2002
The Guardian

Culross Street and Blackburne's Mews are two fairly typical streets in Mayfair in 
central London. Their slim terraced houses are old and picturesque but slightly 
lifeless. Some of their owners have other homes abroad. Prospective residents with an 
eye on one of the corner properties will need £6m.

Until about a year ago, the main local issues were parking and taxis using the two 
streets as a shortcut. Occasionally a few shouts might drift over from Grosvenor 
Square next door, where the American embassy is, when there was a protest of some 
sort. But the embassy had been there for decades, its familiar boxy grey silhouette in 
plain view every time people opened their front doors, and Mayfair residents tend to 
keep their political sympathies to themselves. As one Culross Street homeowner puts 
it: "Nobody even gave the embassy a thought."

Then last September, within days of the attacks on New York and Washington, police 
checkpoints appeared halfway along Culross Street and at both ends of Blackburne's 
Mews. The outside world disappeared behind riot barriers, temporary fencing and 
waist-high concrete blocks. Inside the checkpoints, officers with guns and restless 
gazes began patrolling, day and night. Politely but firmly, every visitor to the two 
streets was required to explain themselves. And every resident, uniquely for Britain, 
was asked to carry an identity card.

These security measures have remained in place, without ever being publicly requested 
by the United States, ever since. Local reactions are mixed. "It's really diminished 
our quality of life," one resident says, "I just feel trapped. It is a bit like 
Colditz." Other people like the absence of crime and traffic, and the sudden surplus 
of parking spaces.

Either way, the importance of the Grosvenor Square embassy, and all that this says 
about America's place in the world, and about the relationship between Britain and 
America in particular, has been vividly demonstrated. There are plenty of other ways 
of measuring it. No other embassy in London has such a familiar design or location. 
The American ambassador's residence, a short drive north of Grosvenor Square in 
Regent's Park, has the largest private garden in the capital after Buckingham Palace. 
Five of America's London representatives have been elected president. Fifteen thousand 
official visitors from the United States have been received by the embassy in the past 
year - more than at any other American embassy - including George Bush, Dick Cheney, 
and Colin Powell. And last autumn, as the checkpoints were going up in Culross Street 
and Blackburne's Mews, 50,000 people came to Grosvenor Square to pay their respects to 
the dead of September 11.

The embassy's status is also acknowledged by its critics. "It radiates power," says 
Tariq Ali, the veteran leftwing activist, whose own profile in Britain still owes much 
to his involvement in the famous anti-Vietnam protests in Grosvenor Square in the late 
60s. "The embassy has become even more of a beehive than it was in the cold war days 
... more of an imperial fortress."

Anti-capitalist marches in London always become more animated when they swing towards 
the embassy, with its rooftop American eagle the size of a minibus. Anti-nuclear 
protesters and environmentalists, opponents of American foreign policy and the 
American death penalty, pacifists and holders of vigils for the rights of native 
Americans - all gather instinctively in Grosvenor Square. Less liberal foes of the US 
government may dream of more dramatic actions: last month, it was widely speculated 
that the would-be hijacker of a Ryanair flight from Sweden to Britain intended to 
crash the jet into the embassy, using its rooftop eagle to identify it from the air.

With America and Britain currently in close and controversial alliance against Iraq, 
the embassy has acquired even greater significance. "When the whiff of war is in the 
air," says the historian of British government Peter Hennessy, "The alliance between 
Britain and America becomes almost palpable. I was in our embassy in Washington in 
1991, during the last Gulf war. It felt as if the two systems were fused."

The embassy stands on a concrete plinth at the western end of Grosvenor Square, still 
proud and raw-looking amid the area's Georgian buildings over 40 years after its 
construction. Its ring of recently improvised new fortifications occupies wide sweeps 
of road and pavement, generating eddies of congestion in the surrounding streets. And 
all around the square itself, with its clipped grass and clear sightlines, there is 
what the embassy enthusiastically refers to as "community policing": if you stand and 
look at the embassy for more than a minute or two, a policeman with a large machine 
gun will approach and inquire as to your intentions.

Behind the embassy's long rows of windows, there are nine floors, three of them 
underground. They contain a miniature version of official Washington. "The London 
embassy now," writes the recent former ambassador Raymond Seitz in his memoirs, "is 
less like a traditional diplomatic post and more like a branch office of the federal 
government." There is a staff of 750, and two dozen departments from immigration to 
defence to intelligence. It has its own convenience store, private security and 
detachment of United States marines. The embassy describes its overall budget as 

There was a time, though, when the American diplomatic presence in Britain was more 
modest. It started in 1785, in a rented house at the opposite end of Grosvenor Square. 
Until the late 19th century, relations between the young republic and the world's then 
dominant power were not sufficiently important to be handled by an ambassador; instead 
the embassy was overseen by a lower-ranking official.

This diplomatic balance of power, like the wider one between Britain and the United 
States, did not shift completely until the second world war. Then, as Britain became 
dependent on American military assistance, the buildings around Grosvenor Square began 
to fill up with American army planners. After General Eisenhower set up his 
headquarters, in a block that houses American naval officers to this day, the square 
became known locally as "Eisenhowerplatz".

When the war ended, the American government, aware of its new status as a superpower, 
embarked on a programme of embassy-building around the world - "the most ambitious 
since Hadrian", according to the British architecture magazine Architectural Review. 
Grosvenor Square was the obvious place for a new London embassy. There was only one 
obstacle: the Grosvenor Estate refused to let the Americans acquire the freehold on 
the site they had chosen, as was their practice with embassies, because, it has been 
said ever since, the Grosvenor family had had property in the United States 
confiscated two centuries earlier during the American War of Independence. A lease of 
999 years was granted instead.

To take account of British sensitivities, the design of the new building was chosen in 
a public competition, the first ever held for an American embassy. The winning 
architect was Eero Saarinen, a Finnish-American with a history of erecting 
streamlined, slightly utopian buildings in the American midwest. At least at first, he 
did not intend the London embassy to be a fortress. From the late 40s until the early 
60s, the look of new American diplomatic buildings reflected the country's desire at 
the time to be seen as an open, outward-looking superpower. Embassies were built with 
glass walls and generous lobbies, multiple entrances and public rooms for exhibitions. 
"Security was not a concern," says Jane C Loeffler, an authority on American embassy 
architecture. "The London building was as welcoming as a museum or a cultural centre."

The embassy, completed in 1960, was not one of Saarinen's best structures. Its facades 
were too cluttered and British architecture critics found the design brash and 
unappealing. Yet for its first few years, the life of the embassy retained a certain 
idealism. The British public were encouraged to drop into the library and learn about 
America. There were jazz concerts and art shows. The energy and confidence of the 
Kennedy years, as many foreign liberals saw them at least, were on show behind the 
huge ground-floor windows. The embassy was best known for its queues for visas.

Then came Vietnam. The worldwide shift in America's reputation was played out, with 
television cameras in attendance, on the neat lawns and pavements of Grosvenor Square. 
Ali and his fellow activists, he recalls in his memoirs, "dreamed of using the embassy 
telex to cable the US embassy in Saigon and inform them that pro-Vietcong forces had 
seized the premises in Grosvenor Square". Mounted police charges and mass arrests kept 
the demonstrators out of the embassy, but the image of the building was darkened for 

The architecture soon caught up: "1968 was the beginning of the closing off," says 
Loeffler. Public access to the embassy was reduced. The first barricades, thinly 
disguised as plant tubs, appeared in front of the main steps. In 1985, after the 
horrific bombing of the American embassy in Beirut, a new set of guidelines on embassy 
design brought the era of glass boxes and openness to a close. New embassies were to 
be out-of-town compounds, and windows were to be rationed according to a precise 
formula: no more than 15% of a wall was allowed to be glass.

Some of these undiplomatic structures, hard to distinguish from the multiplying 
American military bases around the world, have since been built in the Middle East and 
other officially perilous places. Two years ago, it was rumoured that the London 
embassy might leave Grosvenor Square for a more open and easily defended location. The 
embassy says it "currently" has no such plans; Britain is a relatively friendly 
country, after all. Then again, a bomb attack on a fictitious United States embassy in 
London - with a more romantic Victorian building standing in for the existing grey box 
- featured earlier this year in an episode of an American television drama series 
called The American Embassy. And the state department in Washington, of which all 
American embassies are a part, concedes that the current building needs substantial 

Inside, the showpiece main lobby, all smooth pale stone and imitation gold, is still 
as silent and impressive as a bank vault. But the long corridors of offices upstairs 
are full of scuffed furniture, with old maps on the walls. The transparent security 
screens behind which the marine guards sit watching in their rolled-up shirtsleeves 
look more suited to a casino in 50s Las Vegas. Loeffler says the sheer amount of glass 
in the embassy may make it difficult to fortify much further: thickening the windows 
might over-burden the whole structure.

The spokesman I meet plays down the need. Most of what the embassy does, he says with 
studied casualness, is "authentically boring and mundane". As the air-conditioning 
hums and no sound penetrates his office from the noisy Mayfair streets, he tells 
expertly-extended anecdotes about taking phonecalls from members of the public 
praising the good behaviour of American golfers in the Ryder Cup. Outside, pinned to 
the new fencing around the building, are notices informing people where to go for 
visas. Despite all the policemen, and the eagle on the roof, it is difficult to see 
the embassy as purely intimidating. In secretive Mayfair after all, with its private 
clubs and expensive hotels, the embassy is hardly the only place that wards off the 

And these days, in some ways at least, the embassy's power may be diminishing. Apart 
from the ambassador, none of its staff is a political appointee. Most of their 
backgrounds are in the state department, cautious and moderate by reputation - and 
increasingly bypassed by an impatient Bush administration. Similarly, relations 
between the British and American governments are going through what Hennessy calls 
"one of the very personal periods", with direct contact between Downing Street and the 
White House further marginalising the embassy.

In the current clamour of official statements about Iraq, the ambassador, William 
Farish, has been conspicuous by his silence. Even his grand residence in Regent's 
Park, for all its famed parties and presidential helicopters landing in the grounds, 
has become something of a liability: it is yards away from Regent's Park mosque. 
Perhaps the idea that Grosvenor Square is the centre of malign American influence on 
Britain is a comforting illusion for a certain kind of British radical. A reminder of 
more straightforward times before America became so ubiquitous in British politics and 
culture and everyday life that it became hard to resist or even notice. In Culross 
Street and Blackburne's Mews, none of the residents who criticise the embassy 
roadblocks thinks there is any chance of having them removed. They want them to be 
made permanent and more attractive.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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