-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

Note from Euphorian:

Now, Shrub's got 'em ... questionable weapons of mass destruction ... and he's acting 
a little "roguish" ... What to do?  What to do?

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

US weapons secrets exposed
Julian Borger in Washington
Monday October 28 2002
The Guardian

Respected scientists on both sides of the Atlantic warned yesterday that the US is 
developing a new generation of weapons that undermine and possibly violate 
international treaties on biological and chemical warfare.

The scientists, specialists in bio-warfare and chemical weapons, say the Pentagon, 
with the help of the British military, is also working on "non-lethal" weapons similar 
to the narcotic gas used by Russian forces to end last week's siege in Moscow.

They also point to the paradox of the US developing such weapons at a time when it is 
proposing military action against Iraq on the grounds that Saddam Hussein is breaking 
international treaties.

Malcolm Dando, professor of international security at the University of Bradford, and 
Mark Wheelis, a lecturer in microbiology at the University of California, say that the 
US is encouraging a breakdown in arms control by its research into biological cluster 
bombs, anthrax and non-lethal weapons for use against hostile crowds, and by the 
secrecy under which these programmes are being conducted.

"There can be disagreement over whether what the United States is doing represents 
violations of treaties," Mr Wheelis told the Guardian. "But what is happening is at 
least so close to the borderline as to be destabilising."

In a paper to be published soon in the scientific journal Bulletin of the Atomic 
Scientists, the two academics focus on recent US actions that have served to undermine 
the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention. In a move that stunned the international 
community last July, the US blocked an attempt to give the convention some teeth with 
inspections, so that member countries could check if others were keeping the agreement.

Mr Dando believes Washington's motive for torpedoing the deal, which had the support 
of its allies, was to maintain secrecy over US research work on biological weapons. He 
said that work includes:

· CIA efforts to copy a Soviet cluster bomb designed to disperse biological 

· A project by the Pentagon to build a bio-weapon plant from commercially 
available materials to prove that terrorists could do the same thing

· Research by the Defence Intelligence Agency into the possibility of genetically 
engineering a new strain of antibiotic-resistant anthrax

· A programme to produce dried and weaponised anthrax spores, officially for 
testing US bio-defences, but far more spores were allegedly produced than necessary 
for such purposes and it is unclear whether they have been destroyed or simply stored.

In each case, the US argued the research work was being done for defensive purposes, 
but their legality under the BWC is questionable, the scientists argue.

For example, a clause in the biological weapons treaty forbids signatories from 
producing or developing "weapons, equipment or means of delivery designed to use such 
agents or toxins for hostile purposes or in armed conflict".

Furthermore, signatories agreed to make annual declarations about their biodefence 
programmes, but the US never mentioned any of those programmes in its reports. 
Instead, they emerged from leaks and press reporting.

The focus on Washington's biological and chemical weapons programme comes at an 
awkward time for the Bush administration, which is locked in negotiations at the UN 
for a tough resolution on arms inspections of Iraq. According to Mr Dando, British and 
US research into hallucinogenic weapons such as the gas BZ encouraged Iraq to look 
into similar agents. "We showed them the way," he said.

Mr Dando added that the US was currently working on "non-lethal" weapons similar to 
the gas Russian forces used to break the Moscow theatre siege. Those include 
"calmative" agent which are designed to knock people out without killing them.

"What happened in Moscow is a harbinger of what is to come," Mr Dando said. "There is 
a revolution in life sciences which could be applied in a major way to warfare. It's 
an early example of the mess we may be creating."

He added that Britain "is implicated as well", as the Pentagon's Joint Non-Lethal 
Weapons Directorate has worked with British officers on its research.

Jonathan Tucker, a chemical weapons expert at the US Institute for Peace in 
Washington, said much of the work on non-lethal weapons was being carried out by an 
institute under the US justice department but was funded by the Pentagon.

"They are trying to keep it at arms length, but it is problematic especially for 
military purposes. The chemical weapons convention makes a very clear distinction 
between riot control and incapacitants," he said.

While Mr Tucker believes that such knock-out gases are explicitly banned under the 
treaty, Mr Dando and Mr Wheelis believe the Pentagon has exploited a loophole that 
allows for such weapons for "law enforcement purposes".

But by blurring the edges of the treaty, they argue the US is inviting other countries 
to do the same. The US, Mr Dando said, "runs the very real danger of leading the world 
down a pathway that will greatly reduce the security of all."

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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