<<Pointing out nutcases who have gotten licenses just underlines what
a fallacy the licensing system is, IMO.  Doesn't support the argument
of regulation one jot.>>

I didn't post the web site in order to support the argument for regulation.
I believe that it illustrates the useless nature of the laws that we already
have and also illustrates my view that those who advocate total freedom of
possession of firearms would have to be happy with characters such as this.

I personaly do not consider that people like this should be free to have a
firearm. If Peter Jackson, an RFD and part of the licensing system by his
own assertion, was to have his way, then firearms would be as free to
exchange as apples, either singly or by the pound.

In response to Mr Totty.

Mr Kleasen is the spawn of your country, you are welcome to have him back.
With regards to the MP, if you are curious about crime cameras, ask her
yourself. Nothing to do with me, nor am I interested.
Now, if you read my post, you will see that I don't offer any explanation,
excuse or apology for this homicidal American person being allowed to have a
firearm. In your fantasy law-free society, though, he would be allowed to.
I know which I prefer, and it isn't yours, matey.
You can spout on all you want about how great the a place the American west
was, about sheriffs and all that wild west stuff.  I., personally, am not
interested in how great it was to live in the cowboy days. If there is any
relevance to the present UK society, then wake me up and tell me.In any
case, you can't really go back much further than the wild west days, as your
native peoples didn't keep recorded history, did they? Come to think of it,
all that stuff about Wyatt Earp and those brave frontier sheriffs was really
just a myth created in Hollywood and Zane Grey books, wasn't it? Or was
there really such persons as the lone ranger and Bill Boyd?
As for less laws creating less must have been up all night
working that one out, or is it in a poster in one of your 'Anarchy 'r us'
shops? Or a 'Waco u like'?
Perhaps a quick look at the laws in the most litigation conscious society in
the world ......blow me.....I just realised...are you thinking of returning
to your roots?


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