Take a look at

Now, I see that a gun club eventually shopped this guy. Good for them.
Yes, it was outrageous that the Police gave him a certificate. No excuses
there at all. Total incompetence.
However, some of the contributors here would consider that it was quite OK
for him to have firearms.
In particular, Peter Jackson seems to advocate freely available firearms,
which would mean that Monsieur Kleasen would be entitled to possess anything
he wants.
I would be interested in the views of the panel on this charmer.
He has, I believe, now been deported back to the country of his birth. I
wonder if he is entitled to possess firearms back there? Anyone enlighten me
on that one? So many people like to use the American comparison, it would be
interesting to know how they would treat this socially inadequate perverted
Federal law prohibits anyone from possessing a firearm who has been
convicted of a crime _punishable_ by more than a year in prison,
so no he wouldn't be able to.  Although it will be intriguing to
find out if they are aware of his conviction here!

Federal law also prohibits anyone from possessing a firearm who:

is under indictment for a crime punishable by imprisonment for
more than one year;
is a fugitive from justice;
is an unlawful user of marijuana or narcotics;
has been adjudicated mentally defective or involuntarily commmitted;
has been dishonourably discharged from the armed forces;
is an alien illegally in the US;
is a person who has renounced their US citizenship;
is a person who is not a US citizen or permament resident alien,
with the exception of non-resident aliens in the US for at least
six months who have the authority of the Attorney General (there
is an exception for "sporting purposes").

This is in many ways more restrictive than British law, because
there is no way of getting your rights back if you are convicted
of a Federal offence.  In Britain, a person who has spent less
than three years in prison gets their ability back after five
years, they only lose it if they serve more than three years,
and even then, a judge can lift that restriction.

However the police must be satisfied "in all the circumstances"
that the applicant for a certificate is not a danger to
public safety or the peace, and they must have "good reason"
for Section 1 firearms.  The rather large caveat there though
is that there are circumstances under which you don't need a
certificate to possess a firearm.


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