On Sun, Jan 05, 2014 at 03:19:03PM +0100, Robert Klemme wrote:
>On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 4:58 AM, Dawid Ferenczy wrote:
>> Christopher Faylor writes:
>>> Problems like that interfere with my sleep so it's best to get them out
>>> of the way before I go to bed.
>> that's the difference between real programmers and other coders. Real
>> programmer can't go to bed, when he has unsolved issue ;)
>I do not like that comparison - even jokingly - because it sends a
>wrong message. Sometimes it's really better to sleep things over. You
>usually notice the next day when you find out that the "solution"
>created new issues of its own. I'm not saying Christopher did in this
>case but I would certainly not recommend to resolve all issues before
>going to sleep. :-)

You are not an acknowledged expert in sleep, issues, or me, so your
opinions are irrelevant.  I don't know why you felt compelled to comment
on this minor point but your recommendations, understanding of humor, or
likes are really off-topic for the Cygwin mailing list.

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