Christopher Faylor <cgf-use-the-mailinglist-please <at>> writes:

> You're apparently not using a snapshot.
> cgf

Hi there!

I have discovered one more bug, which seems to be related:

I'm working with CLI having long scrollback buffer. I need to read 
something a couple of pages back, so I scroll back in the buffer. Then I 
clear the screen with CTRL + L. Screen is already cleared, but only the 
visible screen in the middle of scrollback buffer. When content fulfills 
the whole screen and it starts to scroll, the new output is mixed with 
previous buffer content. Also scrollback buffer is now messed.

I think, that clearing of the screen with CTRL + L should work as in the 
Linux terminal (e.g. Gnome Terminal). When I press CTRL + L in the middle 
of scrollback buffer, it just jumps to the end of scrollback buffer. 
Nothing is really deleted. This way, the whole scrollback buffer is 
preserved and screen is also cleared. So, clearing the screen doesn't clear 
anything in the fact. It just scrolls the content up until the whole screen 
is blank and prompt is on the first line.

I think, that these bugs result from different philosophy of working with 
buffer from the Linux terminal.

I could live with that, I just have to clear the screen on the end of 
scrollback buffer only.

But messing of scrollback buffer, when I quit e.g. LESS as I described in 
my previous post, is really pain. The buffer is messed so many times, how 
much prompts are on the current screen. When I scroll one page back, screen 
is repainted with buffer only from bottom to the most bottom prompt (that 
means only few lines could be repainted, for example), where the most 
bottom prompt is repainted too. So I scroll one more page back and it 
repeats, but with another most bottom prompt. Until all prompts on the 
current screen are repainted. Then it starts to scroll properly.

Thank you and have a nice day.

 Dawid Ferenczy

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