On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 01:33:19PM +0000, Dawid Ferenczy wrote:
>I'm working with CLI having long scrollback buffer. I need to read 
>something a couple of pages back, so I scroll back in the buffer. Then I 
>clear the screen with CTRL + L. Screen is already cleared, but only the 
>visible screen in the middle of scrollback buffer. When content fulfills 
>the whole screen and it starts to scroll, the new output is mixed with 
>previous buffer content. Also scrollback buffer is now messed.
>I think, that clearing of the screen with CTRL + L should work as in the 
>Linux terminal (e.g. Gnome Terminal). When I press CTRL + L in the middle 
>of scrollback buffer, it just jumps to the end of scrollback buffer. 

Getting that kind of functionality in the Windows console is tricky but
I think it should be there in the latest snapshot.  I also fixed some
problems with some of the escape sequences that scroll the screen.

There is still one more difference between Cygwin and, e.g., xterm
though.  The scroll buffer is still there when you enter a full screen
session like vim or less.  So you can scroll up to it and really cause
confusion.  It's possible to fix that behavior but it would be really
tricky.  I'm not sure I want to complicate the console handling code
for this one corner case.

The new behavior is in the latest snapshot.



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