On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 12:46:37AM +0400, Andrey Repin wrote:
>Greetings, Christopher Faylor!
>> There is still one more difference between Cygwin and, e.g., xterm
>> though.  The scroll buffer is still there when you enter a full screen
>> session like vim or less.  So you can scroll up to it and really cause
>> confusion.  It's possible to fix that behavior but it would be really
>> tricky.  I'm not sure I want to complicate the console handling code
>> for this one corner case.
>I don't have any expertise in trickyness of this task, but I know application,
>that does exactly this.
>Far manager shrink console output buffer to console window size by default,
>when starting up.
>The file you're looking for is

I wasn't implying that I don't know how to do it.  It is tricky to get
right for Cygwin.


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