Greetings, Christopher Faylor!

>>> There is still one more difference between Cygwin and, e.g., xterm
>>> though.  The scroll buffer is still there when you enter a full screen
>>> session like vim or less.  So you can scroll up to it and really cause
>>> confusion.  It's possible to fix that behavior but it would be really
>>> tricky.  I'm not sure I want to complicate the console handling code
>>> for this one corner case.
>>I don't have any expertise in trickyness of this task, but I know application,
>>that does exactly this.
>>Far manager shrink console output buffer to console window size by default,
>>when starting up.
>>The file you're looking for is

> I wasn't implying that I don't know how to do it.  It is tricky to get
> right for Cygwin.

Ahha, makes sense. Thought that since you are recording console buffer
already, this should be kind of trivial to flip console buffer size back and
forth without loosing content, but I can imagine, what a mess it could become
when additional restrictions apply, been working with NT console myself in the

Andrey Repin ( 17.02.2014, <04:23>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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