On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 04:42:25AM +0400, Andrey Repin wrote:
>Greetings, Christopher Faylor!
>>>>So, I did go ahead and implement this in Cygwin by switching console
>>>>buffers.  It works great in a cmd window but not at all in a TCMD
>>>><http://jpsoft.com/> window.  I have used jpsoftware products for
>>>>longer than I've been working on Cygwin so that's personally a bad bug
>>>>for me.
>>If I can find some way of detecting when I'm in a TCMD environment I
>>might just fall back to the old code.
>Don't they have a direct API to answer this kind of questions?

I sort of asked them that but they haven't replied yet.  Do you know of
something?  I don't see anything pertinent in their documentation.


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