> - cygwin term does not handle scrollbacks properly (this

This happens to me as well... somewhat randomly; it does not depend on
cancelling a program with Ctrl-C, in fact, I get this problem most often
when a build finishes normally.

I created a screenshot showing this strange behaviour.
http://www.msu.edu/~huntharo/cygwin-lost-position.png (12 kB)

Here's how I produced the strange output:
1) Ran 'make XWin.exe' for Cygwin/XFree86 to generate lots of output
2) Scrolled back through the output using the scroll bar and/or
        mouse wheel.
3) Pressed the up arrow key to get bash to display the last command
        executed; doing this causes the output window to scroll
        back down to the active command line.
4) Repeated steps 2 and 3 until I get the behaviour where
        the output window is not scrolled back to the bottom
        of the output buffer before displaying the previous command.

Things to notice about the screenshot:
1) Near the middle of the screenshot is the following line:
        $ make XWin.exedirectory `/home/administrator/xc/programs/Xserver/dbe'
2) The cursor is right under the 'd' that immediately follows the
        'make XWin.exe' command.
3) The output above, below, and next to 'make XWin.exe' is from
        the previous execution of 'make XWin.exe'.
4) Running 'clear' causes the output in the displayed portion of the
        buffer to blank, but 'clear' does not cause the window to
        scroll back to the end of the buffer.

Now, running 'make XWin.exe' in this situation shows why this
        problem is annoying:
http://www.msu.edu/~huntharo/cygwin-strange-output.png (12 kB)

Hey, it's the output of two commands overlayed on top of each other!
Yippee! :)

Now, I'm not complaining, and I'm not saying that this is a Cygwin problem.
I'm merely documenting the observed behaviour.  :)


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