Andy Piper wrote:
> Louis Bohm wrote:
>  > I do not know about the other points you made but I can tell you that
> the scroll
>  > bars do work when you are running rxvt.  Maybe you should try that instead.
> So let me understand this, in order to get a functional terminal I have to
> use a package that is not even shipped with the standard install? No
> standard user is ever going to do this, they are just going to get hacked
> off with it being broken. A better reason for using rxvt might be because
> its faster.
> Maybe everyone in the know uses rxvt and that's why the standard terminal
> is not so great?

It was only a suggestion -- not an official recommendation.  Louis was
just trying to solve your problem by offering a solution that worked for
him.  Would you rather he (and everyone else) ignored your problems?

Anyway, 1) a native port of rxvt will soon be in the standard install,
pending a couple of bugfixes, IIRC.  2) I think most people DO use the
standard terminal.  I use an Xport of rxvt with an Xserver; others use
the native rxvt port.  Most poeple probably use "bash in a dosbox" just
like you do.  3) the standard terminal runs inside the @#!!&$@#
dain-bramaged microsoft cmd shell.  Or command shell.  Depending on your
OS.  And cmd.exe and both work differently.  Worse, cmd.exe
works differently on NT and 2K.  C'mon, it's a difficult task: translate
vt100/linux style terminal codes and make them "do the right thing" --
IF POSSIBLE -- inside that trashy MS console window.  Cut us *some*
slack, okay?


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