Faustine wrote:

> "...a glass cylinder about one liter in volume which is divided into two
> chambers: one containing liquid sulphuric acid, the other a powder of
> either
> potassium cyanide or sodium cyanide. If broken, the resulting mixture
> yields a
> very volitile and lightweight yet invisible cloud of hydrogen cyanide gas
> (HCN)
> which will quickly interfere with his breathing. The odor is almost
> imperceptible, but faintly resembles bitter almonds. Within seconds, it
> becomes
> difficult to hold one's breath or to breathe normally. Within one minute,
> respiration stops. Within five minutes, heart failure occurs. 
> There is no known way to detect these capsules. The most prudent diggers
> insist
> on wearing a gas mask with a respirator impregnated with metal salts at
> all
> times."
I was intrigued enough to track down the source of this. It's at 
http://figure.8m.com/wwii.htm (click on Hazards of excavation....)

Interesting stuff about supposedly lost Japanese gold in the Phillipines.
Reads like a chapter out of the Cryptonomicon.

Peter Trei

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