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>I never mentioned that there are no chemical devices using H2SO4 and NaCN (and
>it's hardly a "bomb", H2SO4 + 2 NaCN = Na2SO4 + 2 HCN is not an explosive
>reaction, although it does generate some heat.) I said that these two are NOT
>components of urea nitrate.
>What is called for here is an example of H2SO4 and NaCN used in an explosive
>device (like in WTC) designed to destroy by shock wave, not by tying hemoglobin
>from red blood cells.

Either or, is it? Are you totally unfamiliar with the concept of coupling
high explosives with chemical agents? Good god, no wonder you're so confused.
Nobody ever claimed terrorists added sodium cyanide to their urea nitrate bombs
for a bigger bang: if you see this as disinformation you're totally missing the

>In this sense, encouraging use of H2SO4 and NaCN for building explosive devices
>is pure disinformation

If you knew a little more about bombmaking, this wouldn't be any great mystery.

Bah, as if whoever wrote the manual wanted to encourage anyone. I'm sure they'd
be delighted to hear you give your expert opinion to everyone here that adding
sodium cyanide to urea nitrate bombs is a bad idea, though.

And as long as you don't recommend that John call out the Snackycake Posse on
the poor schmoe who sent him the manual thinking he was trying to help, I
honestly couldn't care less.



He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from
oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that
will reach to himself.

- --Thomas Paine

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