Faustine wrote:

> I have a hunch the DoD would like nothing better than to see
> leakees go totally
> apeshit on leakers as "disinformation spreaders." Do their dirty
> work, save
> them the trouble: sounds perfectly in line with Rumsfeld's doctrinal
> emphasis on "deterrence by denial" to me. Google this phrase with
> "information
> warfare" and you can find some pretty interesting papers online.

It would seem to me that deception would better rest on trusted, precision
channels. I doubt JYA would be among my selections. (But, who am I to say,
and I don't know how far we have fallen.) "Windfalls" might even not
believed. To plant the story on the enemy might even take a good deal more
artifice. And, perhaps what the enemy believes doesn't really make a damn,
unless he does something about it. Such uncontrolled channels and
rumor-mills might even work contrary to deception principles, assuming the
need for prediction and consistency, both in interpretation and any
decision-making RESULT that is to be obtained. Finally, I doubt the DOD is
confused with regard to the American people and "the enemy."

Circumstances suggest that we have allowed our CI capabilities to wither,
which might preclude any benefit from such an operation, and certainly not
one that would outweigh the risks. Furthermore, when it comes to certain
forms of deception, Americans don't seem deception-inclined. (Some of the
covert action exposes we've had in the last decade had baby blanket cover
planning.) In truth, the British still hold the title belt, and have done so
for over 50 years. Currently, the sign on the American wall of deception
operations is a fairly clear one: _WE SUCK_.

Faustine, I do hope you do well in policy analysis, and adhere to your
strong political viewpoints and goal-states. If you do, a deception planner
will never hurt you.

7(2)-- "...as it's position, owing to being clandestine, is very dangerous,
they have had little success, as only about twelve revolutionary members are
affiliated, and their activities are very limited and rather ridiculous.'
...most of their time making lists of names.....who must be eliminated when
their aspirations were achieved. -- Notes from GARBO.

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