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Major Variola wrote:

>>Absolutely, these are often erroneous and badly written. Yes, you have
>>every right to expect to see disinformation in them. But in this case,
>>there's nothing lethal about adding sodium cyanide to a urea nitrate bomb--

>If you're properly removed all the trace acids from the nitrate...
>>fact would likely boost the lethality by at least an order of magnitude

>An order of magnitude? (...)

Yeah, as part of the total payload (e. g. combined with sulfuric acid you get
hydrogen cyanide gas.) The heat and dispersal issues in this kind of chemical
submunition have already been fully addressed in more serious CW
literature, but I'm really not the person to ask. I'm completely and perfectly
happy to leave the "Ask Uncle Fester" gig entirely to you.



He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from
oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that
will reach to himself.

- --Thomas Paine

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