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At 09:15 PM 4/4/02 -0500, Faustine wrote:

>And as long as you don't recommend that John call out the Snackycake
>Posse on the poor schmoe who sent him the manual thinking he was trying to
>help, I honestly couldn't care less.

>I don't think anyone has accused JY of intentional disinfo; he is
>largely a librarian--a very valuable one with enormous cajones-- not the
>author of the docs in question.

Right, sure.

>Nor did anyone speak against the donor of said document.

Well, given how hot he was last month about the idea of someone who seemed to
be deliberately feeding him a line of disinformation, I just thought it was
important not to throw an accusation like that around which reflects badly on
the manual donor, especially when there's a fairly good explanation for the
screw-up at hand. 

I have a hunch the DoD would like nothing better than to see leakees go totally
apeshit on leakers as "disinformation spreaders." Do their dirty work, save
them the trouble: sounds perfectly in line with Rumsfeld's doctrinal
emphasis on "deterrence by denial" to me. Google this phrase with "information
warfare" and you can find some pretty interesting papers online.

>What we did find worth remarking on is the lethal sloppiness in a doc
>written by the largest manufacturer-of-, deployer-of-, and trainer-about-
> explosives in the world.

Absolutely, these are often erroneous and badly written. Yes, you have every
right to expect to see disinformation in them. But in this case, there's 
nothing lethal about adding sodium cyanide to a urea nitrate bomb-- and in
fact would likely boost the lethality by at least an order of magnitude, maybe
more. It's not as if this involved giving a precise formula or anything, 
just some hack content to put out a sloppy generality. 
Unfortunately, nothing new.



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oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that
will reach to himself.

- --Thomas Paine

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