Ben Laurie wrote:
> Anonymous wrote:
> > It's not just an extra feature; an off-line system inherently requires
> > users to identify themselves to the bank at withdrawal time.  It cannot
> > allow users to anonymously exchange coins at the bank.  So it has an
> > inherent lack of anonymity which is not present in an online system.
> If they withdraw blinded coins, then although they were identified they
> are not linked with the coins. Did I miss something?

Yes.  You missed the point that the lack of anonymity is not in the coins,
but in the protocol.  An off-line system requires people to identify
themselves to the bank at withdrawal time, so that their identities can
be embedded in the coin.  That means no anonymous exchanges at the bank.

This is unlike an online system, which could allow someone to exchange
coins for fresh ones who never identifies himself to the bank, who has
no account at the bank, who in fact has never communicated with the bank
in any way, shape or form ever before.  There are no records of this
guy, his identity, how often he uses the bank, the amounts which he
deposits and withdraws.

That's real anonymity.  Off-line systems can't do this because they
need to track down double-spenders after the fact.  They accumulate
all kinds of information about their customers.

Eric Murray wrote:
> > [Copied to Adam so he doesn't have to wait for some moderator to get
> > off his fat ass and approve it.
> The LNE CDR isn't moderated in the usual sense. 
> However, postings from new users[1] don't go through until I look at them
> (since about 99.5% are spam).  I do this as often as possible, but
> I do have a life.  So if you (the generic you) feel the urge
> to forge a new cute name on every post, be warned that your posts may
> take a while to go through.  I suggest forging one cute name and sticking
> with it... besides, you will want all of us to have a pseudo to attach
> the appropriate reputation capital to.

Reputation is overrated.  Here's a clue: if you want to know what people
really think of your ideas, post anonymously.

> Eric, your "fat ass moderator"

It's not you, it's Brian Minder.  Adam is on the cypherpunks-moderated
list.  Note the almost 24 hour delay between the initial response to his
message by Anonymous and Adam's reply.  This is almost certainly due to
moderation-imposed delay (plus time zone issues).  We might as well try
to converse by carrier pigeon.  Moderated lists do not support lively

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