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> On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Ken Brown wrote:
> > I'd rather have stiff cards than floppy paper ones. At least you can put
> > them into  the slot of a machine easily.
> But with an RF tag you'd not even have to pull it out of your pocket :-)
>Putting RF Tags in cash is one of those ideas with Unintended Consequences.
>Muggers would love having a way of determining which victims are carrying a
>wad, as would many salesmen (and JBTs looking to perform a 'civil 
>confiscation' on 'a sum of currency'.)

Not to mention the possibility of a surreptitious centralized database tracking
purchases of people on a watch list. Sign up if you want to, but you might do
well to remember a point Lt. Gen. Hayden (who really ought to know) once made:
all SIGINT can be defeated and destroyed simply by putting the handset in the
receiver. Something to keep in mind while you're thinking this through,anyway.
As for the counterfeiting problem, nobody's said much about the kind of
sophisticated countermeasures used in casino chips, for example. Seems
workable. One of many interesting topics covered in a truly frightening pub
you might not have come across:

Global ID Magazine

Global ID Magazine is a publication describing the activity and the products of
the leading Identification (ID) Technology Suppliers in the world.

Its scope encompasses state-of-the-art technologies, innovative concepts and
trends within the automatic identification systems industry that will have the
most significant impact on design and use of ID systems.

The editorial focus of Global ID Magazine is on the use of identification
systems based on radio frequency, biometrics, global positioning,
multifunctional systems, data communication and similar.

Global ID Magazine speaks to decision makers, both at a management and at a
technical level, within companies that use or could leverage from using ID
systems. It suggests innovative solutions, the improvement of existing
applications, describing trends and future possibilities.



He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from
oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that
will reach to himself.

- --Thomas Paine

Version: PGPsdk version 1.7.1 (C) 1997-1999 Network Associates, Inc. and its 
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