In antoher context I've wondered about the possibility of wireless, near-real-time video upload. With 3G this will cetainly be easy, but I'm wondering if there are soft/hard gadgets that can auto-upload stuff.(In addition, 3G looks like it's going to roll out in the US only in fits and starts over the next bunch of years.)

Ideally, this upload would be made directly to WWW, but upload to a safe-haven would certainly be better than nothing (particularly if one does not even have any knowledge about where some copies of the upload are auto-uploaded to!).

Anyone done anything like this?


We videoed and photoed the demo, but tape and chip were confiscated Sunday
by the guards at Warrenton Training Center, Site D, near Brandy Station, VA,
Site D is the global comm center for State and DoD, and reportedly the CIA:

I asked if the shoulder of the road was federal property. Their answer: yes.

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