At 10:08 AM 10/28/02 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
>In antoher context I've wondered about the possibility of wireless,
>near-real-time video upload. With 3G this will cetainly be easy, but
>wondering if there are soft/hard gadgets that can auto-upload stuff.

Plenty of webcams come with software to auto upload (e.g., ftp).
They require a computer though.  You mean an embedded device?
A 2.5 G phone with a camera, and the 'feature' to autosend
periodically, would be a fine vidbug.

Reminds me of that LEO notice a while back that captors were
leaving their cell phones, and leaving them on, in the copcars.

BTW JY needs to learn the Tomlinson trick of switching his chips.
A wee bit of slight of hand.

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