On 23 Mar 2003 at 17:39, Mike Rosing wrote:
> What they *can't* do is destroy small armies.  So the 
> Persians, Talibs and other muslim groups that have a grudge 
> against the US will bleed them to death one soldier at a 
> time.

The US is not bleeding in Afghanistan.   Iraq, like the french 
and unlike Afghanistan, has a long history of rolling over for 
tyrants foreign and domestic and begging for the tummy to be 
tickled, so the comparatively light hand of the US should lead 
to little friction.

Assuming the war is as short and victorious as seems likely 
from events so far, Iraqi resistance wil not be one of the 
problems that results. Of course the war is far from over yet,
but once it is over, it will indeed be over -- as the war in
Afghanistan, against people far tougher and more determined, is

         James A. Donald

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