Mike Rosing:
> > The US technology is orders of magnitude better, they can 
> > easily destroy large armies.

Harmon Seaver:
> Not inside the cities they can't, not without tons of 
> collateral damage, which will crucify Dubbya and Blair.

No one (except the US military which hopes to rule an intact 
Iraq) least of all the protestors, care how many Iraqis get 
killed.  Who recollects how many Iraqis were killed the last
time around?   Furthermore, the plan appears to be to take
cities as they were taken in Afghanistan, by laying seige to
them and fostering revolt from within, a process that in
Afghanistan took cities with very few civilian casualties.

This is already working in the North, where the US has allies 
on the ground.  It is not yet working the the South, indeed it 
failed conspicuously and embarrassingly, but it is early days 
yet -- we shall see.  Rome was not burnt in a day.  

         James A. Donald

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