On Sun, Mar 23, 2003 at 05:39:05PM -0800, Mike Rosing wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Mar 2003, Harmon Seaver wrote:
> >    Hey, this war is looking better all the time. We got our first fragging
> > already, and the US troops are finding themselves no real match for the
> > Iraqis. I just heard that there's at least 1 million well armed Ba'ath party
> > irregulars, plus unknown numbers of "armed Iraqi tribes", besides the 400,000
> > strong Iraqi army which clearly isn't rolling over like projected.
> >    Could it be that the US will actually get it's ass kicked? Unless dimwit
> > dubya decides to start carpet bombing the civilian population, there's no way
> > they can beat those numbers. The US airpower does them zilch good in the cities
> > otherwise.
> Don't get your hopes up.  With air power and seige tanks the Iraqi's don't
> have much ammo or food.  Just like the US "controls" Afghanistan, they
> will claim they "control" Iraq.  There will be "incidents" and a few
> "minor" operations to clean out enemy cells, but I don't expect to see any
> well organized defense.  The US technology is orders of magnitude better,
> they can easily destroy large armies.

   Not inside the cities they can't, not without tons of collateral damage,
which will crucify Dubbya and Blair. There are buses full of armed irregulars
coming into Bhagdad. I'll bet we see US/UK deaths in the thousands, if they try
to move into the city. And they'll have to, the international community won't go
for starving the civilians anymore than they will bombing them.
   And it's pretty obvious the Iraqi civilians are pissed (other than the
Shiites down South) *and* armed. The US never dreamed, I don't think, that
they've be dealing with all those armed civilians. Shades of "Red Dawn". 


> What they *can't* do is destroy small armies.  So the Persians, Talibs and
> other muslim groups that have a grudge against the US will bleed them to
> death one soldier at a time.  With truck bombs and grenades and other
> suicide missions.  Since this whole thing is about oil, they'll definitly
> want to attack oil pipelines.
> I don't think the majority of neanderthals in the US fully understand the
> mess they've created, nor how they will ever extract themselves from this
> tar baby.

   Nope, they sure didn't. I think the US gov't has really fucked itself good. 

>  The reason the US got its butt kicked in Vietnam was the
> refusal by congress to allow full military unleashing. 

   That's not really true -- they gave it everything they had, except
nukes. They didn't have the firepower they have now with cruise missles,
etc. but the tonnage of bombs was pretty phenomenal, and the ground troops
couldn't really have done any more than they did, unless they just Mai Lai'd the
whole country.

> Now, they've
> unleashed the military, who will "win" the war, but never really fully
> control anything.
> The US now has troops in over 100 countries.  That's a lot of targets to
> pick at.  Imagine losing a soldier somewhere once a day, everyday for the
> next 10 years.  Maybe somebody will notice?

   Yup, I wouldn't even be a bit surprised to see Europeans, non-muslim, I mean,
starting to off the GI's over there. Drop a little cyanide or ricin in a guy's
beer in the pub...  

Harmon Seaver   
We are now in America's Darkest Hour.

hoka hey!

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