On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, Curtis Fockler wrote:

> People and the right, yeah, I think the USA is good enough for me.  Yeah we 
> have Waco, Ruby ridge and all the crap. But we are able to have all the crap 
> and play a role in it if we want.
> Try that somewhere else in the world and see what happens.
> Freedom baby, sing it loud and proud, some people don't get to pick, but I 
> do, and I pick freedom baby, sweet freedom.

No matter how hellish it gets across the pond, that doesn't mean that I
am going to ever like the idea of a single fucking OUNCE of my liberty
being infringed upon. 

No matter how many deep, fundamental human rights are infringed upon
elsewhere, I cannot tolerate a single small infraction by my government

True freedom is not a craps shoot. You don't barter with your freedoms.
Sure, it is better to live here than elsewhere .. but that doesn't mean
for a second that I don't want to make the States better. 

> P.S. and to all those that bitch about having a choice, LEAVE.......


Even if there were a paradise somewhere else, I wouldn't leave ..
I don't intend to give up my country that easy.

Michael J. Graffam ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
"Let your life be a counter-friction to stop the machine."
                        Henry David Thoreau "Civil Disobedience"

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