On Sat, 26 Feb 2000, Aaron wrote:

> On Fri, 25 Feb 2000 08:01:50 -0400, Anonymous Sender wrote:
> >Without any real knowledge, with only the warm feeling of being right and
> >knowing that all sheep around will instantly confirm it, americans
> >denounce communism, and it feels so good. Orgasmic.
> People on this list think they've proven communism wrong, but
> they've always avoided any real confrontation with it.  No ones
> strives to understand if communism might have something
> valuable to say-- that's what passes for an open mind here.

I think history has spoken for itself on this issue.  Communism just
doesn't work.  As for real confrontation with it, just what the fuck do
you call the cold war?

What exactly do you imply that communism has that would be valuable? No
I'm curious, I'd like to hear it.

So far, what you offer is nothing more than bait and switch.  You say
communism protects the workers from being exploited, but the reality is
that it simply offers a different and more insidious form of exploitation.
One where the profits of the workers go straight into the pockets of the
state - which in turn are run by polticians, who don't do any real work.

By real work, I mean produce products and services to benefit their
customers.  All they produce as politicians is wealth for themselves, and
slavery for their workers.

Can you honestly give us a list of pros and cons for communism?  One that
addresses real life, not Satan Claws or Oestra Rabid bunnies myths?

I don't mean the commie party line that goes "communism protects the
workers from being exploited" but one that tells us exactly how it strives
to do that and the reasons why you believe that it can succeede?

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