> I'm not saying that life isn't hard. I'm not saying that life is ever
> going to be easy -- but I'd like to make a society that cushions it as
> much as we can. Thats why we get together and make societies in the first
> place .. to make life easier for individuals; a burden shared together
> is less of a burden.

Is it really though?  A burden shared is now a burden on everyone at a much
lower intensity.  If everyone at some point has a burdern, that intensity
heightens, and heightens, etc.

> If I had no job, and no real decent job prospects; I'd probably be a
> small time drug dealer. A little risky ('cause of the cops) but it turns
> a good profit -- and then I could pay the bills.

Whatever.  But you'd find something to do.
> Like I said, give me the benefits or the money .. either is acceptable.

Agreed.  But better yet, don't take my money and let me buy my own benefits.

---------------------------- Kaos Keraunos Kybernetos -------------------- 
 + ^ +  Sunder              "Only someone completely distrustful of   /|\ 
  \|/   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    all government would be opposed to what /\|/\ 
<--*--> -------------------- we are doing with surveillance cameras" \/|\/ 
  /|\   You're on the air.   -- NYC Police Commish H. Safir.          \|/ 
 + v +  Say 'Hi' to Echelon  "Privacy is an 'antisocial act'" - The FedZ.
---------------------------- http://www.sunder.net -----------------------
I love the smell of Malathion in the morning, it smells like brain cancer.

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