On Wed, 24 Aug 2016 01:42:17 +0000
Sean Lynch <se...@literati.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 5:40 PM juan <juan....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Tue, 23 Aug 2016 23:25:35 +0000
> > Sean Lynch <se...@literati.org> wrote:
> >
> > > On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 4:20 PM juan <juan....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > >         Yes, do whatever you need to do so that the wife doesn't
> > > > kick you out 'her' house
> > > >
> > >
> > > I find it amusing that you think this would insult a normal
> > > person.
> >
> >         I'm glad you are amused =)
> >
> >         And what does 'normal' mean? It simply means to go along
> > with whatever stupidity and/or attrocities are fashionable at the
> >         time. Normal == average.
> >
> >
> Well "normal" in this case is being in a relatioship where you're on
> equal terms with your partner 

        /deleted bullshit

> >
> >         So yeah, tor is a great tool for freedom and appelbaum is a
> >         rapist. And you who don't believe in 'conspiracy theories'
> > get your data from mob hearsay.
> >
> >
> The "mob" is just whoever's on the side you disagree with. You want to
> portray them as unthinking, just going with the crowd. But what are
> you doing? Jake is a hero to you, 

        LMAO at you Sean. I made it quite clear, many times, that I
        consider appelbaum a corrupt clown. He was a US military
        contractor getting 100K per year while pretending to be an
        'anarcho commie' and 'feminist' to boot. (serves him well)

> and a fellow man, and you already
> believed Tor wasn't to be trusted, 

        I *know* what tor is, and I know the moral standing of its sick
        apologists like appelbaum AND you.

        Oops Sean. Turns out that you are quite similar to appelbaum. A
        lackey of the feminazis. A propagandist for US military
        projects like tor and full time accomplice, ah, employee of

        Again. LMAO at you Sean. With 'allies' like you freedom needs
        no enemies. 


> so no thought is even necessary.
> He's "obviously" innocent and the victim of a smear campaign.
        Innocent as long as your feminazi bullshit is concerned. 

> But name a public rape accusation that hasn't instantly had multiple
> smear campaigns spin up against the *accusers*. 

        bla bla bla 

> There are clear and obvious smear campaigns going on here, and not a
> lot of rational thought. I'm inclined to just discount "the usual
> suspects" whom the MRA label fits like a glove, and to believe people
> who had to write public announcements that were clearly very
> difficult for them and put their reputations on the line and shake up
> an important project.

        I don't even know what you're talking about.

> You talk about not needing enemies with "libertarians like me", but
> you obviously "need" enemies because you see them around every single
> corner. You have considered Tor an enemy from the start, and now
> you're ready to write off the CDC, CCC, Debian, Shari Steele and
> probably the EFF in one fell swoop.

        Of course. And if you bothered to check the cpunks archives of
        TWENTY YEARS AGO you'd knew the EFF were already seen as

> But really, I suspect the only thing the TLAs need for this particular
> battle is a large supply of popcorn. But given that I expect a lot
> more projects and organizations will be starting to purge their own
> Appelbaums and/or encouraging them to start treating women and
> everyone else like human beings.

        Ha ha ha. You fucking americunt pyscho pretending to be the
        good guy. 

        Sorry sonny. I know the ABC of americunt, lefty, fascist 

        Tell me how much you 'respect' women while you murder millions
        of men, women and children all over the world. 

> Speaking of "everyone else", I note you call Chelsea Manning "he",

        Yep. He's a man. 

> presumably because doing the opposite of what the "PC crowd" wants
> you to do is more important to you than civility, even (perhaps
> especially) to people who have suffered from discrimination all their
> lives.
> WIth "libertarians" like you, it's no surprise that few people who
> care in the slightest about anyone who's not exactly like them is
> willing to identify themselves as "libertarian." 

        Which is a Good Thing. Already 99% of the people who call
        themselves libertarians are politically correct pieces of shit
        like you OR lunatic jew-kkkristian conservaties. 

> Because your
> "liiberty" is not "free to be you and me," it's just "free to be me."
> You want the freedom but not the responsibility to think about the
> consequences of your actions for others. No wonder you're such an
> Appelbaum fan: he's exactly what you aspire to be.

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