On 08/23/2016 03:05 PM, Sean Lynch wrote:

> people so dumb as to think that there's some vast conspiracy against 
> Appelbaum.

It doesn't have to be vast. All it takes is a few vicious midgets and a
critical mass of idiots who parrot them, believe them.


> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 2:59 PM Steve Kinney <ad...@pilobilus.net
> <mailto:ad...@pilobilus.net>> wrote:
>     Hash: SHA1
>     On 08/23/2016 05:08 PM, Sean Lynch wrote:
>     > On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 12:07 AM Georgi Guninski
>     > <gunin...@guninski.com <mailto:gunin...@guninski.com>
>     <mailto:gunin...@guninski.com <mailto:gunin...@guninski.com>>> wrote:
>     >
>     > Appelbaum, CDC, CCC
>     >
>     > http://www.itwire.com/business-it-news/open-source/73441-appelbaum-ban
>     ned-from-debian-events-after-sexual-misconduct-charges.html
> <http://www.itwire.com/business-it-news/open-source/73441-appelbaum-banned-from-debian-events-after-sexual-misconduct-charges.html>
>     >
>     >  Appelbaum banned from Debian events after sexual misconduct
>     > charges
>     >
>     >
>     > === Appelbaum has also been asked to leave other hacker groups like
>     > the Cult of the Dead Cow, Noisebridge, and will not be allowed to
>     > attend events organised by the hacker group Chaos Computer Club.
>     > ===
>     >
>     > Are journos exaggerating at least for CCC?
>     >
>     >
>     > So I guess as far as Juan & garpamp, et al are concerned, these
>     > groups are also infiltrated by or working on behalf of the NSA,
>     > GCHQ, etc? Are they about to experience mass disillusionment and
>     > exodus as well, just like all "non-spook" Tor relays are about to
>     > shut down because "everyone" who's not a spook is on Rapey Jakey's
>     > side?
>     I do expect the stunning success of the operation against Applebaum
>     will lead to similar attacks against organizations and personalities
>     considered inconvenient by State and Corporate agencies who "have
>     relations with" the clandestine services.
>     Meanwhile, back in the real world, projects to Fork TOR are already
>     forming up and assembling resources.  Maybe now real work can start on
>     proposals like variable latency, padding, etc.
> Wake me up when they release actual code with actual features. It's far
> easier to talk about forking than to spin up a successful project.
> I certainly wouldn't mind seeing experimentation with padding & mixing,
> but between more innovative features and a more conservative codebase,
> I'm not sure which one I'd trust, especially when the former are written
> by people so dumb as to think that there's some vast conspiracy against
> Appelbaum.
> Perhaps the fork of TBB will come preloaded with bookmarks to some
> successor to Pink Meth, /stol on 8chan, etc?

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