On Wed, 24 Aug 2016 09:42:39 -0700
Razer <ray...@riseup.net> wrote:

> >  . Amazon, Google, Facebook, Netflix, and Uber may be
> > improving our lives in many ways, 

        LMAO! How are they improving anything?

         It's quite funny how the supposedly 'commie' 'lefty'
         'progressive' whatever critics are actually advertising
         agents for the mafias they pretend to criticize.

> > but they also are disrupting old
> > industries—

        There's of course nothing wrong with disrupting 'old'
        industries IF they get replaced by something better. 

        But again, the 'progressives' are always conveniently clueless
        about basic economics.

> In full:
> http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/08/11/today-s-tech-oligarchs-are-worse-than-the-robber-barons.html

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