Reading comprehension Grammar Nazi.

For instance:

>       "then...the industrial workers" - WHAT about the industrial
>       workers?

They aren't there anymore or they're sleeping in doorways

You ARE a moron you know. A classic example of Vicious midget...


On 08/26/2016 01:53 PM, juan wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Aug 2016 18:57:19 -0700
> Razer <> wrote:
>>>> Detroit, stripped of it's industry, 
>>>     And  here we have 'commie' 'progressive' rayzer, actually
>>> your typical americunt fascist, crying over the demise of the
>>>     detroit  auto industry, poster child of americunt fascist
>>>     industry. And it gets even better - just look up rayzer's
>>>     histerical rants about cars and how the DMV is the anarchist
>>>     saviour of humanity. 
>> If you were actually literate, 
>       So, let's see
>       "Detroit, stripped of it's industry, then, over decades, the
>       industrial workers, has been techie hipster gentrified." sic
>       For starters, you don't know how to spell possesive pronouns.
>       What you meant is "Detroit, stripped of ITS industry", 
>       "it's"  <-- that's a short form for "it is". "its" <--
>       that's a possesive pronoun. Get the difference?
>       You are talking about detroit, that's the subject of the
>       sentence. Then it looks as if you were going to actually say
>       something about the poor fascist 'workers' but you didn't
>       finish the second  clause!
>       "then...the industrial workers" - WHAT about the industrial
>       workers?
>       And your sentence ends with "has been...gentrified" - that
>       obviously refers to detroit since the verb is in ITS singular
>       form. 
>> you'd note I was discussing the plight
>> of the workers for whom working at a factory no matter the corporatist
>> owners and pollution etc is a damn sight better than sleeping in a
>> doorway 
>       and now you are saying that your beloved workers either have to
>       work for GM or starve? Ah rayzer your stupidity skills are
>       really stunning. 
> but I doubt a booshie assjack like you, a Lou Proyect clone
>> with a foul mouth, has actually ever slept in a doorway .. so my
>> point MIGHT be lost on you.
>> Rr

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