> I've composed a dozen responses, considered the subpeona and the trial 
> that could result from posting each, and wiped them.  There's your 
> "chilling effect on political discussion" if you're interested. This 
> one, I'm going to post, so I'm being very careful what I say. 
> For most of the list participants, a simple, direct word:
> The focus of the US intel community is shifting, at the current time, 
> to "domestic terrorism".  That makes political speech of the kind

So you are suggesting that, because of the fear for one's life and rented
property, posters shut the fuck up and don't make waves ?

Isn't that the *goal* and raison d'etre of TLAs ?

So, to join fingerpointing on this e-mail list (like in "not a movement"), it
seems that you, JYA and others cautioning about imminent arrests are furthering
the cause of TLAs, and therefore probably are their contractors, no ?

(of original message)

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