Ray Dillinger writes:

> I've composed a dozen responses, considered the subpeona and the trial 
> that could result from posting each, and wiped them.  There's your 
> "chilling effect on political discussion" if you're interested. This 
> one, I'm going to post, so I'm being very careful what I say. 

If only there was some technology that would let you post, and say
whatever you wanted... something that cypherpunks might have invented...
something that would provide you a shield so that even unpopular speech
can be presented with little fear of retribution.

If only.  Well, maybe someday.

> The focus of the US intel community is shifting, at the current time, 
> to "domestic terrorism".  That makes political speech of the kind 
> which has in past years been entirely normal on this list orders 
> of magnitude more dangerous to the participants than it was at that 
> time.  Taking part in this discussion in a style "traditional" for 
> this list could be very dangerous.  Remember, one out of every 
> fifty Americans is in jail, and if you think you're in the most 
> radical two percent of the population, there are implications, 
> aren't there?

According to http://www.msnbc.com/news/602062.asp: "Between 1990 and
2000, the rate of Americans who were imprisoned skyrocketed -- from 1
in every 218 Americans to 1 in every 142. That translated to over 1,500
additional inmates each week. Over 3 percent of the U.S. population was
in the corrections system."  Most of these are black, so if you're white
you're not affected so much.

> Now, I shan't be participating in the rest of this thread, I don't 
> think.  Instead, I shall spend my time writing code.  Code which I 
> do not intend to release in a form traceable back to me.  I encourage 
> those who can, to do the same.

And who is the one posting under his own name?

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