
> On Tuesday, August 28, 2001, at 05:52 PM, Aimee Farr wrote:
> >> Didn't you already sign on?  Surely through your careful study of the
> >> archives you know that one of the founding documents for this list is
> >> Tim's "Crypto Anarchist Manifesto".  It's practically the charter.
> >> See, for example,
> >> http://www.eff.org/Privacy/Crypto_misc/cryptoanarchist.manifesto
> >>
> >> - GH
> >
> > No.
> >
> > There wasn't even a clickwrap.
> >
> >
> Works for me.
> And, besides, it's available at a dozen other sites just by entering the 
> phrase into a search engine.
> You've been told about these sources. You've been told about the Ludlow 
> books, the Cyphernomicon, the Levy book. And you would have encountered 
> these ideas with the most cursory of examinations of the archives.
> Yet you profess ignorance.
> Well, no surprise, as you _are_ ignorant.
> --Tim May

Sen gene sarho`s musun?! 


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