Anonymous wrote:
> The cypherpunk world replaces coercion with cooperation.  It
> provides the shield of anonymity against those who would offer
> violence and aggression.  As we move into the information age,
> control of information is control of the individual.  Thus, privacy,
> control of information about one's self, is freedom.
> And as Eric Hughes points out, cypherpunk technologies are
> ultimately based on social cooperation.  By definition, anonymity is
> meaningless unless it is attained as part of a group.  "People must
> come together and deploy these systems for the common good."

Yes!  The pacificism which underlies most cypherpunk ideas has always
been attractive.  It's cheaper to be hard to track than to have to
defend yourself.  (Maybe this is why so many animals use camouflage.)

> "Any message posted to cypherpunks via an anonymous remailer gets an
> automatic +2 on hit points, for it practices what it preaches."
> -- Anonymous

Sing it, brother, sing it!

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