On Tuesday, August 28, 2001, at 05:52 PM, Aimee Farr wrote:

>> Didn't you already sign on?  Surely through your careful study of the
>> archives you know that one of the founding documents for this list is
>> Tim's "Crypto Anarchist Manifesto".  It's practically the charter.
>> See, for example,
>> http://www.eff.org/Privacy/Crypto_misc/cryptoanarchist.manifesto
>> - GH
> No.
> There wasn't even a clickwrap.

Works for me.

And, besides, it's available at a dozen other sites just by entering the 
phrase into a search engine.

You've been told about these sources. You've been told about the Ludlow 
books, the Cyphernomicon, the Levy book. And you would have encountered 
these ideas with the most cursory of examinations of the archives.

Yet you profess ignorance.

Well, no surprise, as you _are_ ignorant.

--Tim May

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