Użytkownik Elan napisał:
> 2. Playing with the autocreated application, I noticed that the tabs
> exhibited some strange behavior. If one first selects the "Select" tab,
> subsequently the "Browse", and then the "Edit" tab, then clicking on the
> "Edit" tab results in the "Select" tab being selected, and the "Select" pane
> is displayed. If one then clicks again on the "Edit" tab, then the "Edit"
> pane is selected. That behavior is consistent, i.e. whenever one clicks on
> "Browse", then no matter whether one later clicks on "Select" or "Edit", the
> "Select" will become the current tab, even if one clicked on "Edit". If one
> alternates one's clicks repeatedly between "Select" and "Browse", then the
> respective panes (tabs) will be correctly selected. If one alternates ones
> clicks between "Select" and "Edit" everything works well as well. But if one
> alternates ones clicks between "Browse" and "Edit", then "Select" will
> regularly be selected instead of "Edit".

I started  Ticket #1200 for this issue and awaiting for solution.

Jacek Kałucki

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