I think I am running the most recent Dabo version under Windows XP
Professional, namely
Dabo Version 0.9.1 Revision ~ 5105

1. I was trying to auto-create a sample application from my local database.

After setting up a new connection to my MySQL server, the AppWizard appeared
to try to connect for an extended period of time, without success. Finally,
I peeked at the python shell window, and - lo and behold - there was a whole
long list of error messages, beginning at AppWizard.py line 257. The error
message indicated a missing value.
Solution: When you attempt to create a new connection, then the - since the
previously selected connection is by default the demo database "webtest"
that is a MySQL database, therefore, the choice (combo) box for connection
types displays MySQL as a default connection. Since I was using indeed
MySQL, I left it as is.

Checking with the DaboPreferences.db SQLite database, however, I discovered
that the entry for my new connection corresponding to dbtype was missing.
I.e. DaboPreferences.db contained all entries for my new connection, with
the exception of the required dbtype entry.

My guess is that even though MySQL was being displayed in the AppWizard's
connection pane, the actual field that is to contain the connection
parameter has been blanked out, and it will not be set to a value, unless
one forces the selection, even though it appears as though the correct value
is selected by default. In my case, after manually deleting the entries for
my new connection from DaboPreferences.db, I then created the new connection
again, but this time I made sure to select MySQL as the database type, even
though MySQL again appeared to already be preselected by default.

This time it worked! The default application was successfully created! Yeah!

2. Playing with the autocreated application, I noticed that the tabs
exhibited some strange behavior. If one first selects the "Select" tab,
subsequently the "Browse", and then the "Edit" tab, then clicking on the
"Edit" tab results in the "Select" tab being selected, and the "Select" pane
is displayed. If one then clicks again on the "Edit" tab, then the "Edit"
pane is selected. That behavior is consistent, i.e. whenever one clicks on
"Browse", then no matter whether one later clicks on "Select" or "Edit", the
"Select" will become the current tab, even if one clicked on "Edit". If one
alternates one's clicks repeatedly between "Select" and "Browse", then the
respective panes (tabs) will be correctly selected. If one alternates ones
clicks between "Select" and "Edit" everything works well as well. But if one
alternates ones clicks between "Browse" and "Edit", then "Select" will
regularly be selected instead of "Edit".

3. Any chances that AppWizard applications will become compatible with
ClassWizard applications ... soon?


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