Asaf Greenberg wrote: > Hi > Is Dabo suitable for small utilities? Small GUI utilities, or command-line?
> It take about 12-15 seconds on my laptop to start the simplest Dabo > application (created using the designer, each time i start it, i.e. OS > cache didn't matter). How fast does this run (put it in a file and run it): {{{ import time import dabo beg = time.time() dabo.ui.loadUI("wx") app = dabo.dApp() app.setup() def onActivate(evt): app.finish() app.MainForm = dabo.ui.dForm(OnActivate=onActivate) app.start() end = time.time() print """ Seconds to import dabo, instantiate a dApp, instantiate a dForm, and close the app:""", end-beg }}} This will help determine if Python/Dabo is slow, or something in your form design or even in the cdxml conversion is the issue. Here's three runs on my Ubuntu 8.10 on not very impressive hardware: 3.82075691223 1.3194899559 1.3800508976 > Is that normal? Or maybe Dabo is aimed only toward big applications? Dabo is aimed for big apps, yes. But, my big application loads and presents the first form to the user in less than 5 seconds. > Or is there any way to reduce this time? Nate's suggestion of having an umbrella app loaded was pretty good. You could load it once and then select utilities from a menu or some sort of GUI. Paul _______________________________________________ Post Messages to: Subscription Maintenance: Searchable Archives: This message: