On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 09:43, Asaf Greenberg <asafgreenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Is Dabo suitable for small utilities?
> It take about 12-15 seconds on my laptop to start the simplest Dabo
> application (created using the designer, each time i start it, i.e. OS
> cache didn't matter).
> Is that normal? Or maybe Dabo is aimed only toward big applications?
> Or is there any way to reduce this time?

I use it for a bunch of small utilities, and they normally start in
2-3 seconds on my one year old workstation running Ubuntu.  It's not
instant but it works.  Wx is a big source of the slowness, and it
doesn't help that we pile a bunch of code onto each object for extra

What you could do is write a utility framework application like the
Dabo Demo application which means that the .  It would load the
framework dependencies and be slow in the beginning, but if you need
to launch a utility the load time is so much faster.  It is what I am
currently transitioning to for my small utilities.


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