John wrote:
> On Saturday 12 September 2009 12:08:54 pm Jeff Johnson wrote:
>> I would like to express an opinion regarding MSSql vs. PostgreSQL just
>> in case someone might be interested.  I created two databases based on
>> an actual MSSql database that I will be pulling from in production.  One
>> in MSSql and one in PostgreSQL.  Other than VFP I have done quite a bit
>> of experience accessing MSSql but I had no experience with PostgreSQL.
>> After a couple of days I feel I know PostgreSQL much better than the
>> other.  It is almost intuitive and very easy to work with (maybe from my
>> VFP experience).  Because it is open source it seems to be a *lot*
>> easier to get questions answered.  My analogy would be a Cadillac vs. a
>> Miata.  One has all of the bells and whistles and the other just plain
>> works and is a lot more fun to drive.
> I actually got started with Postgres while using VFP as a front end client.  
> That was a very long time ago.   The app is still running today with little 
> to no maintainence.  I never got into MySQL and can't really comment.  But 
> IMO Postgres is the best.
> Johnf

John:  I don't know if you noticed but I was talking about Microsoft SQL 
Server.  I have not used MySQL because the licensing confused me and 
didn't seem to be a fit for my customers.


Jeff Johnson
Phoenix Python User Group -

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