John wrote:
> On Saturday 12 September 2009 09:26:34 am Ed Leafe wrote:
>> On Sep 11, 2009, at 9:03 PM, Jeff Johnson wrote:
>>> I am using Dabo to access a MSSQL Server and a PostgreSQL Server.  It
>>> was pretty easy to get two connections going.  PostgreSQL is my app
>>> connection.  Is it possible to do a select statement on a table from a
>>> database in one connection and a table from a database in another
>>> connection?
>>> Here is what I want to do:
>>> SELECT * from mstable ;
>>>      where not exists(select * from pgtable ;
>>>      where =
>>> The purpose is to find records in the MS table that don't exist in the
>>> PG table so I can add them.
>>      As others have pointed out, you can't query across connections.
>>      How big are the tables? If they aren't huge, you might try something
>> like this: use the PostgreSQL cursor to grab all the PKs from the
>> pgtable into a tuple, and then grab the mscursor's records. Something
>> like this:
>> sql = "select pk from pgtable"
>> pgcursor.execute(sql)
>> pgpks = tuple([rec["pk"] for rec in pgcursor.getDataSet()])
>> sql = """select * from mstable
>> where not in %s;
>> """
>> mscursor.execute(sql, pgpks)
>> -- Ed Leafe
> Which brings a question to mind about the size limits of lists.  Let's say 
> the 
> pgpks was over 100,000.  Would it still work?  Where would it stop working?
> To get around the size issue would you use a loop using a fetchone routine?  
> I 
> was working with only a gig or two and did not run into issues transfering 
> data.  But I wondered what would cause the system to break.  
> I'm just wondering what happens when dealing with large data sources.
> Johnf
Thanks Ed & John!  The tables are large but all have datetimes in them 
so I can select the most recent month, etc.  The mssql tables don't have 
primary keys but do have a unique field.  Ed's suggestions sounds very 



Jeff Johnson
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