On Sep 12, 2009, at 12:00 PM, John wrote:

> Which brings a question to mind about the size limits of lists.   
> Let's say the
> pgpks was over 100,000.  Would it still work?  Where would it stop  
> working?

        There is no arbitrary limit. It's memory limited.

> To get around the size issue would you use a loop using a fetchone  
> routine?

        No, since the data is already in the cursor.

> I  was working with only a gig or two and did not run into issues  
> transfering
> data.  But I wondered what would cause the system to break.
> I'm just wondering what happens when dealing with large data sources.

        A record-by-record approach would not work for another reason: you're  
looking for records in the ms table that don't exist in the pg table.  
You need to have all the pg records to make that determination.

-- Ed Leafe

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