El 13/09/13 09:21, Ricardo Aráoz escribió:
El 13/09/13 09:02, John Fabiani escribió:
On 09/13/2013 04:37 AM, Ricardo Aráoz wrote:

Thanks John.
In the for loop I'm just doing an addField() for every field included in the data structure. Is this not needed? Is the data structure enough?
Try removing it - if it works then you are OK. I don't normally take the time to define a 'datastructure' - I just use .addField(). I haven't run into any problems that I recall. My guess is I'm not the right person to discuss this with - Paul, I believe uses 'datastructure' in his programming and if memory serves he does so to avoid some sort of issue or maybe it's just something left over from the past???

The guys that have been using Dabo for a long time are using coding routines/behaviors that probably aren't required - they just don't hurt and they work. For example I started hand coding my forms/windows - mostly because when I started the GUI designer wasn't very stable. A far as I know it is very stable now. But I continue to hand code the forms. I see code that others post and I see routines that I know didn't work and I had to work around long ago. But I still see those simple work arounds in my code even though they are no longer required (or it's just my lack of programming skill). Don't ask what they are - I won't answer.

I hand code my forms.
Not because the GUI designer is not stable but because once the bulk of the thing is done changing the apps visual design is just a cut and paste operation. The same when you change your mind about where do methods and functions belong. It's just easier to redesign. And because any changes will be easier to see if you do a diff between two versions. Not difficult really, I use Spyder for coding, so do a change in the form, <Ctrl>-s (save), <F5> (run), and there you have it.

About the data structure, I had heard that there might be difficulties when the framework deduced the data types, so I'd rather do it myself. I've had bad experiences with frameworks over guessing what the user wants to do (stay far, far away from Genexus...brrrr).

Ok, so just for the sake of it I tried getting rid of the data structure in my bizobjs. Here's the result :

2013-09-13 09:54:08 - ERROR - _correctFieldType() failed for field: 'NroTarjeta' (<type 'int'>); value: 00ED53A2 (<type 'str'>)

It's really a field containing an hex value. As I have not found a nice way of storing hex values as such (I want the zero fill and I don't want to be bothered to give it a format every time I show it) I store them as strings. This confuses the framework. So it's as I said before. If the framework has to guess what you want to do then you'll be forever outguessing the framework. Not my cup of tea.

OTOH, I also tried getting rid of the addFields and there was a problem with the alias. In my structure there are many fields (in different tables) called "Nombre". I use alias when I need to include their lookup in some other bizobj. When I did this the framework got confused and showed me the wrong "Nombre" in the calculated field. So as much as I hate doing the same thing twice (addFrom and DataSource) it looks like the safest way to go.

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