On 9/13/13 6:06 AM, Ricardo Aráoz wrote:
>> If you want to specify the DataStructure, you need to also addField(). I've 
>> written a
>> addFieldsFromDataStructure() method for this.
> Didn't know that method existed. I'll give it a try.

I don't think I ever posted it to Dabo. It goes like this:

    def addFieldsFromDataStructure(self):
        max_fill = 0
        for field in self.DataStructure:
            if field[3] is not None:
                fill = len("%s.%s" % (field[3], field[4]))
                max_fill = max(max_fill, fill)
        for field in self.DataStructure:
            fill = " " * (max_fill - len("%s.%s" % (field[3], field[4])))
            if field[3] is not None:
                self.addField("%s.%s %sas %s" % (field[3], field[4],
                    fill, field[0]))

Most of the code has to do with indentation.


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