Am 20.05.2016 um 07:14 schrieb Matthias Bodenbinder:
> Am 19.05.2016 um 19:30 schrieb Matthias Bodenbinder:
>> Am 19.05.2016 um 19:03 schrieb Tobias Ellinghaus:
>>> and finally those where format is "7", i.e., every image:
>>>>> meine Canon 6D|basecurve|7
>>>>> Eizo FS2331|colorout|7
>>>>> Fuji X100|colorin|7
>>>>> Schärfen aus|sharpen|7
>>>>> Sony DSC-RX100M3|lens|7
>>>>> Reinhards Sony RX100M3|basecurve|7
>>>>> Fuji X100|lens|7
>>>>> stark|rawdenoise|7
>>> You should go through the list of presets in the preferences and check 
>>> those.
>> Interesting. But how come? I am only using the GUI. No manipulation of the 
>> db with sqllite or such. 
>> I tested with the basecurve preset "meine Canon 6D". Only "RAW" is checked 
>> as Format but still your sql command shows: 
>> meine Canon 6D|basecurve|7
>> I can make any change to the Format checkboxes including unchecking 
>> everything the settings are not change. Next time I start DT only "RAW" is 
>> checked and your sql command gives the same result:
>> "|basecurve|7
>> What is happening here?
>> Matthias
> I can not change the format value with the GUI. I did edit the "meine Canon 
> 6D" preset with sqlitebrowser to value "2". That helped to prevent that the 
> preset ist applied to PNG files. But then, when I change the format 
> checkboxes in the GUI, example: checking all three boxes "normale Bilder", 
> "RAW" and "HDR", the value stays at "2". That looks like a bug to me. 
> Matthias

I tested with "debug all". This is the output of DT when I change from just 
"RAW" to checking all three boxes. 

[sql] prepare "delete from presets where name=?1 and operation=?2 and 
[sql] prepare "delete from presets where name=?1 and operation=?2 and 
[sql] prepare "INSERT INTO presets (name, description, operation, op_version, 
op_params, enabled, blendop_params, blendop_version, multi_priority, 
multi_name, model, maker, lens, iso_min, iso_max, exposure_min, exposure_max, 
aperture_min, aperture_max, focal_length_min, focal_length_max, writeprotect, 
autoapply, filter, def, format) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7, ?8, 0, '', 
?9, ?10, ?11, ?12, ?13, ?14, ?15, ?16, ?17, ?18, ?19, 0, ?20, ?21, 0, ?22)"
[sql] prepare "select distinct id from (select * from images where   (flags & 
256) != 256 and ((film_id in (select id from film_rolls where folder like 
'/home/matthias/Bilder/Fotos/Test-RAW')))) as a left outer join color_labels as 
b on = b.imgid order by color desc, filename, version limit ?1, ?2"
[lighttable] image expose took 0,0003 sec
[sql] prepare "select operation from history where imgid = ?1"
[lighttable] image expose took 0,0010 sec
[lighttable] image expose took 0,0012 sec
[lighttable] image expose took 0,0014 sec
[lighttable] image expose took 0,0012 sec
[lighttable] image expose took 0,0013 sec
[sql] prepare "select distinct id from (select * from images where   (flags & 
256) != 256 and ((film_id in (select id from film_rolls where folder like 
'/home/matthias/Bilder/Fotos/Test-RAW')))) as a left outer join color_labels as 
b on = b.imgid order by color desc, filename, version limit ?1, ?2"
[lighttable] image expose took 0,0002 sec
[sql] prepare "select operation from history where imgid = ?1"
[lighttable] image expose took 0,0009 sec
[lighttable] image expose took 0,0007 sec
[lighttable] image expose took 0,0008 sec
[lighttable] image expose took 0,0006 sec
[lighttable] image expose took 0,0008 sec

When I check with <select * FROM presets WHERE writeprotect = "1">, the preset 
"meine Canon 6D" is NOT listed.


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