Am 23.05.2016 um 15:14 schrieb Tobias Ellinghaus:
> Just to reiterate:
>  - Which of those presets gets applied?
>  - When editing that preset, is any change done to the auto-apply settings 
> remembered? Maybe even try restarting darktable (that shouldn't matter, but 
> who knows what edge cases there are). Note that we are talking about the 
> settings for auto-apply, NOT for the images to show the preset for!
> - What version of darktable is this exactly? Please show the output of
>      darktable --version

I tried to make this behaviour reproducible and plyed a bit with presets. The 
behaviour is strange. 

1) move .config/darktable out of the way to start clean
2) Import a Canon 6D RAW (CR2). 
3) Open in darkroom. Canon basecurve gets applied.
4) Select the "Canon 6D" basecurve. Edit this as a new preset "test" 
automatically applied to: model="%6D%" ; camera maker="%Canon%" ; format = all 
three boxes checked.
6) Create a new sharpen preset "test" with the same autoapply setting:  
model="%6D%" ; camera maker="%Canon%" ; format = all three boxes checked.
7) Always delete history stack before you open the picture in darkroom


5) Next time you open the image the format for the basecurve preset is changed 
to only RAW. You can not change that. When you check all three boxes or just 
two boxes, it is coming back with just "RAW" the next time you start DT.
This is NOT true for the sharpen preset. Here you can change the format 
checkboxes any time. 

Somehow the basecurve preset is treated differently. I can not even delete the 
new basecurve preset because DT refers to the original "Canon 6D" basecurve and 
refuses to delete it. The sharpen preset can be deleted just fine.

I will do more testing the next days.



darktable --version
this is darktable 2.0.4
copyright (c) 2009-2015 johannes hanika

compile options:
  normal build
  OpenMP support enabled
  OpenCL support enabled
  Lua support enabled, API version 3.0.0
  Colord support disabled
  gPhoto2 support enabled
  GraphicsMagick support disabled

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