Am Freitag, 20. Mai 2016, 18:14:30 schrieb Matthias Bodenbinder:
> Am 20.05.2016 um 12:10 schrieb Tobias Ellinghaus:
> > echo 'select name, format, autoapply from presets where
> > operation="basecurve";' | sqlite3 ~/.config/darktable/library.db


That doesn't look suspicious.

Just to reiterate:
 - Which of those presets gets applied?

 - When editing that preset, is any change done to the auto-apply settings 
remembered? Maybe even try restarting darktable (that shouldn't matter, but 
who knows what edge cases there are). Note that we are talking about the 
settings for auto-apply, NOT for the images to show the preset for!

- What version of darktable is this exactly? Please show the output of
     darktable --version


PS: Is anyone else having similar problems?

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