I would like to provide a counterpoint. I am wondering if perhaps the
quick-slider panel way of doing things actually is more natural for
people who come from lightroom or other programs, just because it exists
in those programs.

I pretty much started using darktable first, and only tried Lightroom
later. For me, after a few days of using it, using darktable became very
natural. This is true for both quick edits and complex development. The
concepts I want to use are easily mapped onto darktable functions. In
contrast, I tried Lightroom for a few days out of interest and I found
their 'quick slider' approach to be frustrating and counterintuitive,
simply because I used it after using darktable. After using Lightroom
for a while I got used to it too, but I prefer darktable's UI.

My first point is that if this 'simple slider' function were made part
of dt, it should be easy to deactivate it so that it does not appear at all.

My second point is that perhaps there is also simplicity in the way
darktable currently does things, and from some users' perspectives,
having a 'simple slider' function that links to other modules might
actually complicate the UI. Moreover, if a bunch of new users are
exposed to the 'simple slider', I wonder if it might make it more
complicated for some and easier for others? (In that having two ways to
modify an option might be confusing, and there is a real chance of
messing up the nice system we already have).


On 2018-07-12 01:35 AM, kneops wrote:
> I could present myself as an example user. I started like many others in
> the ninetees with Photoshop, part as a freelance photographer, later
> combied with my profession as a webdesigner. I worked for many years on
> Windows and Macs, now exclusively on Linux. I used many kinds of
> software, from llustrator to Flash to Gimp to all kinds of video editing
> software and raw processors. Never have I encountered a piece of
> software that gave me such troubles getting used to as DT. In the last
> couple of years I installed and removed it many many times. A few months
> ago I gave it another try and now I'm using it as my main raw processor,
> but each time hoping there would be a simpler UI.
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